5675 Hwy 13, Coggon, IA
March 29, 2025 9:00 am
Pickup Date: March 31 or April 1st 8:00AM-4:00PM
Tractors & Plow
- ’59 John Deere 630 gas, NF, factory 3pt. SN: 6307588
- ’40 John Deere H, parade ready, new tires, SN: 14078
- ’29 John Deere GP, on steel, parade ready, SN: 206202
- ’30 John Deere GP, on rubber, non runner, not stuck, SN: 220235
- Ford Golden Jubilee, missing serial tag
- John Deere 2-14, 3pt plow
- John Deere 2-14 pull plow
Lawn Mowers / Snowmobile
- John Deere 727A zero turn, 54″, 1231 hrs
- John Deere 318 Hydro, 50″
- John Deere 314 Hydro, no deck
- John Deere 68
- 3ft lawn roller
- Rubbermaid 2 wheel lawn cart
- Husqvarna rear tine tiller
Gas Engines
- GAS ENGINES (all on trucks except the maytags)
- Edwards 2 cylinder
- 7 HP monitor
- Monitor Pump Jack
- 1&4 HP Root & Vandervort
- 2HP Stover
- Cushman Cub
- 1.5HP Sattley
- 1.5 HP McCormick Deering
- Cushman model C upright
- 1 & 7 HP Fairbanks Moorse Z
- 1.75HP Hercules
- 2.5 HP Sandwich
- 1.5 HP John Deere on lawn mower frame
- Single & double cylinder Maytags
Acreage Equipment
- John Deere 37 sickle mower, 7ft
- 5ft King Kutter 3pt disk
- Farm King, 3pt snow blower, 8ft
- 3pt log splitter
- 3pt boom
- 6ft, 3pt blade
- 2 smaller bin sweeps
- Bin spreader
- PTO fence roller
- Misc hyd. cylinders
Tools & Misc.
- Lincoln 225 amp ARC welder
- Cherry Picker
- Acetylene torch
- Sand blaster
- Several power tools
- Camps
- Hand tools
- Tool boxes
- Cut off saw
- Small table top lathe
- Baldor 2 wheel grinder
- Martin house
Antiques & Primitives
- 2-steam whistles
- Hay Budden 85# anvil
- Wash tub
- Bushel basket
- Chicken crate
- Mercury wagon
- Egg baskets
- Tobacco cutter
- Ideal #2 stencil maker
- Implement seat
- Pulleys
- Several steel wheels
- Copper Boiler
- Coleman lanterns
- Misc. blue jars & milk bottles
- Milk can
- 3 large Garst seed corn signs, 4X6
- table pump
Antique Grinders & Motorsports
- 2-Skiroule snowmobiles
- Bronco mini bike
- Evinrude outboard
- Mall 2 man chainsaw
- 3-belt drive grinders, 1 with cast iron hopper
- 6 misc. hand crank grinders
Auctioneer Notes:
Bob has had a great time over the years collecting these nice antique tractors & engines. He is simply downsizing as he is not showing them anymore. We did find some nice primitives as we
were cleaning out. Expecting 2-3 hayracks of misc. that won't be listed for online bidding. Sale order: starting
at 9 AM on hayracks & misc. with cataloged online items to follow. Load out available.
Cash, Check, ACH in US only, wire transfer $10.00 fee, or Credit Card (with additional 4% fee). No
invoices exceeding $1,500.00 can be paid for with a credit card. Nothing removed until settled for. ID required
to get a bidding number. Everything sold as is with no warranty. Not responsible for accidents, theft, or
weather-related damage. All announcements made sale day take precedence over printed material.
Lunch and restroom available.